TAO Self-Help Informed Consent

TAO includes a customizable self-help program, which is a self-guided program. In TAO Self-Help you will be provided with an opportunity to learn stress management, mindfulness skills, problem-solving, and strategies to avoid rumination and to develop more helpful thinking patterns. TAO Self-Help can provide a platform to assist you to bounce back from life's disappointments and frustrations. TAO Self-Help includes interactive educational modules and practice tools. TAO Self-Help is completely self-directed with no contact with a mental health professional. The TAO Self-Help is intended as a prevention program and is not a treatment for mental health disorders. If you require treatment for an emotional or mental health problem please contact your local counseling service.

By consenting to participate in TAO Self-Help, you agree that you understand the potential benefits and possible limitations of the TAO Self-Help program. Your electronic signature or "check box" acceptance of these terms indicates that you understand and voluntarily agree to participate in this self-help and self-directed program. You further agree and acknowledge that in exchange for the access you will be granted to TAO Self-Help, you agree to fully and completely waive any claims against TAO Connect, Inc, and your institution arising from or related to TAO Self-Help. You further agree and acknowledge that in the event you move from the self-help platform to therapist assisted treatment you understand and consent that your therapist will have access to information regarding your activities in the self-help system.

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